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26 Ağustos 2024 Pazartesi 15:50


In an interview where Ahmet Coşkun, the representative of Coşkunlar Karoser, answered questions from Nuray Pekcan, the Editor-in-Chief of MyTruck Magazine, expressed his belief that Turkey will become number one in trailer production worldwide. He also mentioned that his own goal is to be among the top three in Turkey.

Coşkun highlighted that, in the past two years, they have expanded both their factory and manufacturing lines with significant investments. Additionally, he introduced the Coşkun Group of Companies, which operates in 14 different sectors, to our readers.

“We Operate in 14 Sectors”

Beginning by discussing the history and services of their organization, Coşkun said that; “We are a company founded in 1969. Our first company was Coşkunlar Karoser. In addition to that, we operate in 14 sectors, including our BIMS factories, fuel stations, rest facilities, shopping center, and tire dealerships.”

Mentioning that they stopped their superstructure production by 2021 and completely shifted their factory to trailer production in 2022, Coşkun provided information about their product range by saying that; “Currently, we produce 13.60 trailers, 8.60 trailers, pool trailers, and accordion trailers. We manufacture based on demand. Our product range includes 5-6 different products. We try to cater to almost everyone.”

“We Must Always Be Innovative”

Emphasizing their intensive efforts to integrate technological developments into their products, Coşkun said that; “We are very aware of and closely follow what our competitors are doing. They can analyze us in the same way. If a feature present in others’ products is missing in yours, it puts you at a disadvantage in the industry. Therefore, we must always continue to be innovative. Word-of-mouth from informed customers is also very valuable; a single negative review can set you back significantly. To avoid such issues, we need to keep up with the industry.”

“We Have Six Robots”

Describing their transition to robotic production in the factory, Coşkun discussed its advantages: “We currently have six robots in our factory. This provides us with significant benefits. For example, while it used to take two days of human labor to produce a set of covers, we now have the potential to produce about ten sets of covers in approximately six hours. Additionally, this system has eliminated the need for 20 workers. With this transition, our workmanship is cleaner, our welding strength is of higher quality, our error rate has been minimized, and waste has been eliminated. The impact of the robots extends to other areas as well, reducing the workload in other job sectors. The advantages are substantial. Moreover, a robot pays for itself within a year by working just 4-5 hours a day.”

“Russia Prefers Turkey More”

“We Have Broken the Production Record of Recent Years”

Discussing the challenges faced in meeting demands from certain countries like Russia despite the clean and detailed production of global brands, Coşkun continued his words by saying that; “For example, Russia’s demands are not being met because these trailers do not meet the required tonnage. Our produced trailers, however, are much more durable. Additionally, there are no issues with parts in Turkey. Currently, we are only working with Russia for exports. Russia prefers us for this reason. They are under embargo and facing financial difficulties. For example, a German company experiences spare part issues while importing, but we do not face such problems in Turkey. Since we have weekly shipments, we can also provide immediate support for spare parts. On a global scale, Russia prefers us more. I am confident that we are better than global brands; Turkey has very good brands as well. Are we among these brands? We are striving to be. As a company, we were quite late to the trailer sector, but we are making efforts to adapt quickly. Fortunately, we are in an excellent position now. In fact, within our own company, Coşkunlar Karoser, we have broken production records for recent years.”

Stating that they work with dealerships in Russia, Coşkun said that; “We have established a three-year agreement with a company, granting them dealership rights. For the next three years, they will handle sales on our behalf as Coşkunlar Karoser.”

“This Year, We Are Focusing on Exports”

Comparing the domestic and international markets, Coşkun explained this as follows: “Last year, the ratio was 60% domestic market and 40% international market. However, this year, the domestic market has nearly reached a standstill. Therefore, we are focusing even more on exports this year.”

“We Work to Ensure That Our Customers Do Not Regret Their Purchase of Our Trailers”

Noting that customers always want to secure themselves, Coşkun said that; “We have experienced this for years; a customer buys a product, but the seller never looks back at them. The customer, however, wants continued support for the product they purchased. In our case, even when a 2013 model trailer comes to our company, we always keep spare parts for it. We strive not to upset or disadvantage our customers. We work to ensure that our customers do not regret their purchase of our trailers.”

“Serving Multiple Sectors Gives Us a Significant Advantage”

Mentioning that serving in various sectors provides numerous advantages, Coşkun added the following words: “For example, because we purchase tires at more favorable rates, we naturally achieve better price performance compared to our competitors. We have a vehicle inspection station and produce in compliance with regulations, so our customers do not fail inspections. We follow the regulations closely and stay updated with daily information on any changes. We work directly with paint companies in a dealership capacity to get better prices for paint, rather than dealing with intermediaries. While customers might struggle to find a point of contact at other companies, we, as a factory, can offer numerous guarantees to our customers. Serving in multiple sectors gives us a significant advantage.”

“Regulations Need to Be Increased to Remove Substandard Manufacturers from the Market”

Expressing that he finds the inspections in Turkey insufficient, Coşkun explained this as follows: “In Turkey, anyone can manufacture a body or trailer even in a small room. This is a serious issue. Both informed and uninformed individuals are producing. While I produce with 54 years of experience, someone else picks up a welding tool and starts manufacturing without knowing how to do it properly—just copying what they see. This leads to customer dissatisfaction and serious accidents. Since the relevant authorities do not inspect these operations, we are also affected. We need to increase inspections to eliminate substandard manufacturers. Customers end up in difficult situations, and we have to compete with these firms. There is a lot of deceit in the industry; it upsets and tires us. We hope a solution will be found for these issues.”

“Turkey Will Be The Number One in Trailer Production Worldwide”
“Our Goal Is to Enter the Top 3!”

Concluding his words by sharing his future outlook for the sector and his company, Coşkun said that; “I believe Turkey will advance even further in the sector. In trailer and superstructure manufacturing, we will be world leaders, if not today, then tomorrow! Just as the Germans are the world leaders in automobiles, I believe we, as Turkey, will become world leaders in trailer manufacturing. We also have goals within our country; I have a dream of being among the top three in Turkey. We were late to the trailer sector, but we have asserted that 'We are here!' Especially in the past two years, we have made significant investments to expand both our factory and manufacturing lines. We will continue to improve and excel in the future.”

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