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24 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi 15:16

NEW GENERATION TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE: TEMİNATTA.COM Founding Partner Özkan Gürses detailed the service they offer, the first and only in Turkey, for our readers. With the application that goes beyond traditional methods and brings a new breath to the sector, users can now produce solutions much faster and more economically. Offering many advantages to users, does not leave its customers alone with its 24/7 call center.

“We Are Here to Make a Difference in Transportation Insurance”

“Solutions Are Created From Our Website Within Minutes”


While, which comes to mind when 'new generation transportation insurance' is mentioned, challenges the sector, Gürses explained the emergence of the company that goes beyond traditional methods and brings a new breath to the sector, and said that; “We have come to make a difference in transportation insurance with a new insurance approach. There are developments here from the past that have not kept up with technology. There is a need for speed especially in the transportation industry, there is a process that must be simple, practical and fast. But unfortunately, when you proceed with traditional methods, the bidding process can become a mess, the processes can take longer, the damage that cannot be paid as a result of the service not received from the right person, etc. turns into a huge chaos. While the requesting party does not know very well what he wants, the expertise of the insurers trying to meet it may not be sufficient for transportation insurance. Unfortunately, the share of transportation insurance in the total insurance sector is 2 percent. Therefore, agencies may not even feel the need to improve themselves much here. Here, there are many scenarios where the demand and the person who will meet it do not match each other, and a pollution is created while trying to do insurance. In fact, we saw the gap here, we witnessed many times that people's needs were not fully met, and we realized that the possibilities of technology were not used much. Therefore, we started a good initiative with the idea of ??what we could do to fill the gap here. We implemented it after approximately one and a half years of infrastructure work. We have been able to deliver transportation insurance to the end user online for about two years. In fact, the person who needs transportation insurance can now find a solution within minutes on our website. We invite everyone who is uncomfortable with the processes that take hours with traditional methods and drag on until the next day, to meet the new generation transportation insurance.”

“We Provide Advantages in Financial Savings, Labor Savings and Operational Costs”

Stating that they guaranteed three things in the structure they established, Gürses explained them as follows; “We guarantee three things. First, of course, financial savings. In other words, by using our size in the company we work with, we can deliver very comprehensive policies to the end user more easily, at very affordable prices, below the industry average. Second, workforce. While in traditional methods there is a person who needs to constantly monitor the process, in our method you save money. Finally, we actually provide an advantage in operational costs. If you transfer your insurance transactions to us and carry out this work with us, you may have the opportunity to position the personnel in that position in another position and produce another solution. We group these under three main headings, and we have seen in the two-year period that we create very different effects on customers in this way. Generally, our processes end with a thank you, and we receive very good feedback. This motivates us more and encourages us to produce better things.”

“We Are the First and Only in Turkey”

“We Stand by Our Customers with Our 24/7 Call Center”

Stating that the service they offer is the first and only in Turkey, Gürses continued his words by saying that; “We are the first and only in Turkey. In fact, this is a very modest statement because we have not yet come across an example of it in the world. We may be the first and only in the world. We are truly solution oriented. For example, since transportation insurance is little known, our customers may need support in a process that they can solve in three minutes. At this point, we have a 24/7 call center service. Here too, our customers can complete the process very easily and enjoy the comfort of receiving qualified answers to their questions. Of course, when we say new generation, we emphasize being online, but we have by no means left traditional insurance aside, our face-to-face communication and telephone support continues.”

“Insurance Is the Only Thing That Cannot Be Bought When Necessary”

“We Create Affordable Solutions”

Finally, stating that the market has stagnated recently due to the impact of the economy and stated that they have experienced a decrease in the number of demands, Gürses said that; “We see that people are trying to save money on insurance costs. We can take these for granted, but at this point we should not ignore some things, insurance is the only thing that cannot be purchased when necessary. Therefore, while you make sacrifices from there, you set out with another risk on your back. Our solution actually touches this, too. Because we create solutions at affordable prices. We have very suitable packages especially for carriers with one or two vehicles, which we can call small tradesmen. We can provide annual policies at affordable prices, well below industry averages. At this point, unfortunately, there is no insurance sector that is constantly growing economically, but we are trying to keep that process afloat, to support them with premiums, to protect their financial strength in some way by supporting them in their damage processes.”

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