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24 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi 15:15


While detailing their products, CVS Fuel Protection Systems Company Representative Yavuz Selim Çavuş stated that they offer the only, most effective and practical solution in the fuel safety sector in Turkey. Adding that their products are exactly compatible with the vehicles, they do not void the warranty and do not require maintenance, Sergeant stated that they started to install their products on the vehicles before the vehicles go to traffic.

“We Have Been Operating in the Fuel Safety Sector Since 2010”

“We Produce to Prevent Fuel Theft in Most Product Groups That Run on Diesel”

Starting his speech by telling about the companies operating in the industrial and automotive sectors since 1991, Çavuş said that; “Our company was founded by our father, Mehmet Çavuş. It has been operating in the fuel safety sector since 2010. For about five years, my brother Ali Çavuş and I took over the company as the second generation. Currently, we carry out the production, operation, R&D, marketing, assembly and all other processes of our company. Our company produces to prevent fuel theft in most diesel-powered product groups, including trucks, trucks, construction equipment and generator groups. We have a variety of products that are compatible with all vehicles. Our products have been developed so that no fuel theft occurs when installed in the fuel tanks of vehicles.”


“Our Products Are Made of 100% Aluminum”

“Our Products Do Not Void the Warranty and Do Not Require Maintenance”

Continuing his speech by providing information about the features of their products, Çavuş said that; “All of our products are compatible with vehicles in original form and do not void the warranty. It is produced from 100 percent aluminum and Turkey's natural resources. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. All of our products comply with quality control standards. Our products are not released to the market unless they pass quality control during production at the factory. Our products are completely mechanical, there is nothing technological. When we install our products on vehicles, they do not require any maintenance and are a lifetime product. Our companies will also notice the decrease in fuel consumption and the prevention of abuse after installing our products.”


“We Test Our Product Before Vehicles Go to Traffic”

Stating that they have a monthly production capacity of two to three thousand and that they can make an average of 1000 assemblies per month, Çavuş mentioned that they are highly preferred and said that; “We have now started assembling our products before the vehicles go to traffic. Both the increasing value of fuel and thefts play a major role in our choice. We also attach great importance to customer satisfaction. Our customers can reach us through our website, social media accounts or through reference. We provide service to all of Turkey and the countries where we operate abroad.”


“We Offer Quality and Continuous Work to People”

“The Single, Most Effective and Practical Solution in Turkey”

Saying that “We do not launch any product that we are not comfortable with”; Çavuş said in concluding his words that; “We offer quality and continuous work to people. We do not work once, we have companies we have worked with for 10 years, and we receive positive feedback from all of them. CVS Fuel Protection Systems are the perfect product to prevent fuel abuse in heavy vehicles. It is the only, most effective and practical solution in Turkey. It does not require any maintenance or control. Our products are resistant to breakage. Only aluminum is used, never scrap or metal mixed.”


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